Abbreviated example from a healthcare OER: #

In Figure 1, the term “Fowler’s position” appeared in different parts of the book. A preferred spelling was chosen, and this decision was recorded in the style sheet. The editor and author use this entry to update the rest of the book, to ensure this term will be consistent.
In addition to clarifying the preferred spelling of words, the style sheet reminds us of the formatting decisions we made in earlier parts of the document. These decisions might include:
- Italics or bold for key terms?
- Heading levels throughout document – all subsequent content in sections must start with H2. Heading 1 is reserved for chapter titles in PressBooks.
- Heading levels for tables?
- Citation and attribution style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago Turabian, CSE)?
- Canadian or American spelling?
- Numbers as numerals or words?
Note: If you are unsure, take a look at other textbooks from the BC Campus collection that have already been developed, particularly those in your discipline (Arts, Sciences, Business, etc.)
TRU Editors follow our own style guide for Attributions, while following guidelines and principles from the BCCampus Self-Publishing Guide, and the BCcampus Open Education Pressbooks Guide.