In PB, you can link the following:

  • External sources
  • Embed/ link videos
  • Sections within your OER
  • Other or previous OERs/ companion textbooks

Pressbooks gives us the ability to make all sorts of connections in your textbook. You can link to external sources to support and supplement your writing content or you may want to refer your reader to another supporting or related section within your OER with an internal link. You do not need to consider the copyright for links but keep the following in mind:

  • All links, including embedded videos, could be taken down by the provider. This then requires maintenance to make sure that the link does not appear as an empty or black box within your book. Try to find the primary source from the copyright holder or creator.
  • If the reader clicks on a link, it will normally bring the reader outside of your OER – it may not necessarily open in a separate window. You can change the settings for how you want your links to open (in new window?)
  • To ensure that your reader knows what material you are linking to if the link goes down, you will want to add anchor text around the link (title, creator, date). This ensures that the reader can find the resource link if it goes down.
  • Hosting a video or image means that the material is more secure, but this involves copyright. If you are working with BC Campus, they will not accept OERs that contain 3rd party sources that are not public domain or CC licensed, unless they are created by YOU (and for those, you may consider putting a CC license on them so others may use them).