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Workflow Emails to Production
New process! Don’t include OL_Production on editing workflow emails. This refers to introductory emails (“I’ve begun editing…”) and the final emails (“files are in pre-production folder…”). Keep writing notes for Production on the files, and summarize any concerns in your final email to Curriculum Services. CS will send the notes to Production after sign-off.
Editors Meeting Notes for Oct. 9, 2019
Attendees: Chris, Cory, Courtney, Justin, Mona, Dani Date Time 10/9/2019 11:00 AM Location OL344 Notetaker: Cory Stumpf – Timekeeper: Chris Ward (unofficially) 😉 What is a reasonable expectation for internal review? Course Guide components, assignment titles and marks, etc. Assessments: marks (do they add up?) / grading criteria Headings Consistency (of capitalization, titles, etc.) Check…
Fun with Adjectives
Last year’s team goal is historical. That cool thing we did today may be historic. Historic (adj) “famous or important in history” Historical ( adj) “of or concerning history” or “belonging to the past” The textbook is instructional. Failing the assignment may be instructive. Instructive (adj) “something that conveys knowledge, information, a lesson” Instructional (adj)…
Style Sheets
Spring is here! Thank you for your patience while I play with this new colour feature in WordPress. What Is a Style Sheet? The most basic tool for editing, and one of the most practical, is a style sheet. Most of the time the editor creates this and shares it with others. A style sheet…
CG and Editing Checklist Updates
I made some minor updates to the Course Guide and Editing Checklist to reflect changes in our processes and wording from November and December 2016. I hope to update the best practice wording soon to document our new processes, reporting responsibilities, and checklist.
OLFM Guide Revision
The Open Learning Faculty Member Guide will be revised in the near future. The resources specific to Blackboard Learn will be updated to the new LMS, and these guides to facilitation and technical tools may be collected with other resources on a web page or wiki to be maintained by OL Delivery Support.