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Reference Errors (Interview)
A big part of our work involves checking, formatting, and creating academic citations, so this interview with Marilyn Oermann is highly relevant for educational editors: McCook, A. (2016, October 4). You cited which paper?? Reference errors are more common than many realize [Blog post]. Retrieved from Oermann found that reference (citation) errors are much more common…
Creating and Maintaining an In-House Style Guide
The editing team participated in an Editors Canada webinar in January 2017: “Creating and Maintaining In-House Style Guides” presented by Elizabeth Macfie. It was a great webinar, and I’m sure we will discuss her ideas often in 2017 as we improve and revise our OL style guide. Elizabeth covered her process for building and maintaining a style guide, and she offered…
Altruism Increases Productivity?
Thought I’d share this quote from MIST 2611: Management Information Systems: “Is there anything companies can do to make their employees feel less pressed for time? Yes. Force them to help others. A recent study suggests that having employees complete occasional altruistic tasks throughout the day increases their sense of overall productivity.” Leberecht, T. (2012, June)….
Outcomes before Materials
Heads up! I moved the Learning Outcomes section to appear before Course Materials in the Course Guide. Thanks for the feedback, Cory! This will group together key Curricunet information, and it could save a bit of time by aligning with Production’s processes.
Language Theory: What You’re Really Editing Is the Person
This week several editors attended an Editors Canada webinar: “Language Theory: What You’re Really Editing Is the Person” presented by Michael (Mike) Jones at the University of Calgary. He questioned if editors can be “advocates for the reader” (in the words of EAC President Anne Louise Mahoney), and together we examined the relationship between writer…
Student Outcomes
Our editing goal is to make learner-centred courses that meet the needs of our students. But how can we know if we have achieved this, since we seldom have the chance to meet Open Learning students face-to-face? One valuable resource is to check student feedback from post-course surveys in Tableau. This can indicate which specific…