Halloween 2016
“Editing the Necronomicon” inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. Nice work Dani!
Some photos of our Halloween team-building activity:
The editors’ team has started bi-weekly professional development seminars. We take turns facilitating the meetings, and we co-create the content to share our expertise and fill-in gaps in our knowledge. We have not chosen a way to reify or apply the new learning, but I’m sure a creative expression of our learning will present itself…
The OLProductionExams email address is no longer active. Please send edited exam files to the Learning Environment Development team (i.e., Production) like this:
Reflective practice is a valuable approach to editing. Reflecting critically on our work allows us to learn, innovate, and ultimately improve our courses. eCampusAlberta’s eLearning Rubric can be a valuable tool to self-assess the quality of our work: http://www.ecampusalberta.ca/files/rubricBooklet.pdf. Their rubric offers benchmarks for course design, accessibility, presentation, writing, learning activities, assessments, copyright, learner supports, etc. The checklist has many good ideas for course developers and editors: Some we…
MS Word shortcuts can help to do repetitive stuff faster: Toggle on/off track changes Ctrl + Shift + E Insert a comment Alt + R, C Return to your last edit point Shift + F5 Save Ctrl + S Find Ctrl + F Undo / Redo Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y Select all…
A few years ago Mona Hall, Danielle Collins, and I collaborated on an infographic about inter-culturalization of the curriculum. Our central question was: How will we create learner-centred courses for culturally and linguistically diverse readers? We found that the university has some excellent guiding policies and resources for educators, but it did take some effort to…
Here’s an open, online resource that could be a useful guide for editors (or writers, or students) to verify or to explain Canadian regionalisms or idioms. Dollinger, S. (Chief Editor), & Fee, M. (Associate Editor). (2017). DCHP-2: The dictionary of Canadianisms on historical principles (2nd ed., with the assistance of B. Ford, A. Gaylie, & G. Lim)….