Editing Team Meeting 9/11/2019
Call to order: 10:30am
In attendance: Courtney Charlton, Naomi Cloutier, Dani Collins (Chair), Justin Frudd, Mona Hall, Paul Martin, Cory Stumpf, Chris Ward (scribe & time keeper)
Dani: Welcome and new meeting format
- Call for note taker and time keeper: Chris
- Call for review of process changes this summer
- Chris: brief review of process changes
- Discussion:
lack of CMP (what info needed? can it be shared in D4P?)
determining, negotiating, and communicating editing scope
identifying and confirming course materials
exam processes
Courtney: “Using a Tempest in a Teapot to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff” presentation on plain language with examples from HIST course
- Learners’ needs not served by misused and obscure terms: e.g., obduracy, abrogation, temporal turmoil, venal, jeremiad, etc.
- Long, complex sentence structure obscures meaning.
- Random or inconsistent capitalization, and dated racial/cultural terminology requires more time for editors to query or resolve.
- Discussion:
How to minimize problematic language without changing voice of writer?
How to balance student needs, writer wants, time constraints?
Paul: Introductions; enrollment growth up 15%; potential of non-linear development processes with editors contributing or collaborating earlier
Group: Appreciative enquiry
Dani: Open call for agenda items for future meetings
Tabled for future:
- Editing websites
- Credentials: when to include designations and certs
Adjourned: 11:45am