Share the Course Style Sheet
When editing is complete on a course or project, please share the editing style sheet in O drive (Curriculum Services Editing, 2 Course Style Sheets).
When editing is complete on a course or project, please share the editing style sheet in O drive (Curriculum Services Editing, 2 Course Style Sheets).
Kudos to Mona Hall for researching and validating our house style! Ongoing PhD studies are not listed on the Copyright and Credits page of the course guide; therefore, do not include credentials such as: Title (year): Name, PhD(c) Title (year): Name, PhD(candidate) Title (year): Name, PhD(ABD) Title (year): Name, PhD(all but dissertation) See also APA’s The Misuse…
Call to order: 10:30am In attendance: Courtney Charlton, Naomi Cloutier, Dani Collins (Chair), Justin Frudd, Mona Hall, Paul Martin, Cory Stumpf, Chris Ward (scribe & time keeper) Dani: Welcome and new meeting format Call for note taker and time keeper: Chris Call for review of process changes this summer Chris: brief review of process changes…
Where possible, we try to include examples in our courses that reflect the diversity of Canadian society. Showing diversity in cultures, ethnicities, genders, ages, and abilities in both the visual representations we use and the instructional examples in courses, we engage with students, value their experience and community, and prepare students for life in a…
Non-verbal cues are missing in most online courses, so it can be helpful for readers if we incorporate clear design concepts. Headings should be descriptive and show the hierarchy of ideas. Visual aids help orient students to the course. Learning activities, like asking students to summarize or rephrase in a learning journal, work as verification techniques to reinforce the…
Thanks Mona for bringing this up: Some older courses include a link to TRU-OL Social Sciences Style Guide in the course guide. This guide was created to help students write academic papers. It tells how to write citations and gives instructions on the formatting and structure of papers. Unfortunately, the document is out-of-date for MLA and APA citations. For example, it refers to the fifth edition…
The editors’ team has started bi-weekly professional development seminars. We take turns facilitating the meetings, and we co-create the content to share our expertise and fill-in gaps in our knowledge. We have not chosen a way to reify or apply the new learning, but I’m sure a creative expression of our learning will present itself…