Farewell to Gail Morong
To paraphrase Gail’s retirement speech: “Work will come and work will go; what matters in the end is to love each other and treat each other right.“
To paraphrase Gail’s retirement speech: “Work will come and work will go; what matters in the end is to love each other and treat each other right.“
Spring is here! Thank you for your patience while I play with this new colour feature in WordPress. What Is a Style Sheet? The most basic tool for editing, and one of the most practical, is a style sheet. Most of the time the editor creates this and shares it with others. A style sheet…
Here’s an open, online resource that could be a useful guide for editors (or writers, or students) to verify or to explain Canadian regionalisms or idioms. Dollinger, S. (Chief Editor), & Fee, M. (Associate Editor). (2017). DCHP-2: The dictionary of Canadianisms on historical principles (2nd ed., with the assistance of B. Ford, A. Gaylie, & G. Lim)….
APA issued an update to their style guide in March 2017: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2017/03/doi-display-guidelines-update-march-2017.html. The new recommendation is to use a live link to the DOI instead of just listing the numbers. We can still use the old style while we gradually move to the new recommendation. So, for example, here’s the old style: Fred, H. L., &…
We are changing our house style for the list of course developers on a copyright and credits page. Include the person’s terminal or highest credential only. Group the list by years of editions and revisions. Order the groups in reverse chronological order; i.e., most recent is at the top and earliest is at the bottom…
The relative pronoun “which” can be singular or plural. Conjugate the verb to match the antecedent (noun or nouns, or noun phrase or phrases) that the pronoun replaces. In a multiple-choice question stem, the antecedent often appears as the answer (or answers) to the question. This means we conjugate the verb depending on the number…
“The editor has traditionally played a key role in the design and development of instructional and educational materials. As both the Web and the technology and processes for delivering instructional materials on it have evolved, so too has the editor’s role in course design and delivery. The typical ‘Web editor’ has a broad and changing range of responsibilities, from editing…