Team Photos
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Editing and Intellectual Property teams joined forces for a good cause: Donating purse care packages (make-up, toiletries, gloves, etc.) for Kamloops Y Women’s Shelter. Our union (CUPE 4879) and Kamloops and District Labour Council organized the event. “We were expecting to put together 50 purses but with the overwhelming inpouring of donations, we ended up with…
Attendees: Chris, Cory, Courtney, Justin, Mona, Dani Date Time 10/9/2019 11:00 AM Location OL344 Notetaker: Cory Stumpf – Timekeeper: Chris Ward (unofficially) 😉 What is a reasonable expectation for internal review? Course Guide components, assignment titles and marks, etc. Assessments: marks (do they add up?) / grading criteria Headings Consistency (of capitalization, titles, etc.) Check…
To paraphrase Gail’s retirement speech: “Work will come and work will go; what matters in the end is to love each other and treat each other right.“
Spring is here! Thank you for your patience while I play with this new colour feature in WordPress. What Is a Style Sheet? The most basic tool for editing, and one of the most practical, is a style sheet. Most of the time the editor creates this and shares it with others. A style sheet…
Here’s an open, online resource that could be a useful guide for editors (or writers, or students) to verify or to explain Canadian regionalisms or idioms. Dollinger, S. (Chief Editor), & Fee, M. (Associate Editor). (2017). DCHP-2: The dictionary of Canadianisms on historical principles (2nd ed., with the assistance of B. Ford, A. Gaylie, & G. Lim)….