Answer Keys
Use bold, not asterisks, to indicate answers for a quiz or exam.
Use bold, not asterisks, to indicate answers for a quiz or exam.
To paraphrase Gail’s retirement speech: “Work will come and work will go; what matters in the end is to love each other and treat each other right.“
Reflective practice is a valuable approach to editing. Reflecting critically on our work allows us to learn, innovate, and ultimately improve our courses. eCampusAlberta’s eLearning Rubric can be a valuable tool to self-assess the quality of our work: Their rubric offers benchmarks for course design, accessibility, presentation, writing, learning activities, assessments, copyright, learner supports, etc. The checklist has many good ideas for course developers and editors: Some we…
New process! Don’t include OL_Production on editing workflow emails. This refers to introductory emails (“I’ve begun editing…”) and the final emails (“files are in pre-production folder…”). Keep writing notes for Production on the files, and summarize any concerns in your final email to Curriculum Services. CS will send the notes to Production after sign-off.
APA issued an update to their style guide in March 2017: The new recommendation is to use a live link to the DOI instead of just listing the numbers. We can still use the old style while we gradually move to the new recommendation. So, for example, here’s the old style: Fred, H. L., &…
Editing and Intellectual Property teams joined forces for a good cause: Donating purse care packages (make-up, toiletries, gloves, etc.) for Kamloops Y Women’s Shelter. Our union (CUPE 4879) and Kamloops and District Labour Council organized the event. “We were expecting to put together 50 purses but with the overwhelming inpouring of donations, we ended up with…
Some of the course developers we work with are new to using MS Word’s track changes. When the editor sends a query or document for review, the number of changes shown could be overwhelming. This tutorial on MS Word 2010 could help: (2013, April 7). Word tutorial: How to track changes in documents (4:34) [Video]. Retrieved from