Creating and Maintaining an In-House Style Guide

The editing team participated in an Editors Canada webinar in January 2017: “Creating and Maintaining In-House Style Guides” presented by Elizabeth Macfie. It was a great webinar, and I’m sure we will discuss her ideas often in 2017 as we improve and revise our OL style guide. Elizabeth covered her process for building and maintaining a style guide, and she offered…

Working Together for the Community

Editing and Intellectual Property teams joined forces for a good cause: Donating purse care packages (make-up, toiletries, gloves, etc.) for Kamloops Y Women’s Shelter. Our union (CUPE 4879) and Kamloops and District Labour Council organized the event. “We were expecting to put together 50 purses but with the overwhelming inpouring of donations, we ended up with…

Language Theory: What You’re Really Editing Is the Person

This week several editors attended an Editors Canada webinar: “Language Theory: What You’re Really Editing Is the Person” presented by Michael (Mike) Jones at the University of Calgary. He questioned if editors can be “advocates for the reader” (in the words of EAC President Anne Louise Mahoney), and together we examined the relationship between writer…

Reference Errors (Interview)

A big part of our work involves checking, formatting, and creating academic citations, so this interview with Marilyn Oermann is highly relevant for educational editors: McCook, A. (2016, October 4). You cited which paper?? Reference errors are more common than many realize [Blog post]. Retrieved from Oermann found that reference (citation) errors are much more common…

Reflective Practice: eLearning Rubric to Self-Assess Quality of Online Courses

Reflective practice is a valuable approach to editing. Reflecting critically on our work allows us to learn, innovate, and ultimately improve our courses. eCampusAlberta’s eLearning Rubric can be a valuable tool to self-assess the quality of our work: Their rubric offers benchmarks for course design, accessibility, presentation, writing, learning activities, assessments, copyright, learner supports, etc. The checklist has many good ideas for course developers and editors: Some we…

First Nations, Indigenous, or Aboriginal: Which Is Appropriate?

Bob Joseph’s CBC article addresses how and why the terminology we use may be changing: “One of the key messages I give in my workshops and training: ‘Go with what they are calling themselves.’ […] it’s about showing respect and using the term that individuals and organizations have chosen for themselves.” Joseph, B. (2016, September 21). Indigenous or Aboriginal:…