H5P Workshop (WordPress)

Carolyn, Courtney, and Chris attended the second session of H5P training to learn how to use this tool outside of a course LMS (in WordPress). This opens the potential for students to use the technology to built and share their own learning tools or ePortfolio pieces. Workshop facilitators Brenna and Jamie gave many examples of…


H5P Training

Dani, Courtney, and Chris attended the first of three workshops on creating interactive educational media in Moodle, WordPress and Pressbooks using H5P. Jamie and Brenna did a great job facilitating the workshop with examples, step-by-step guidance, and ample hands-on time to experiment with interactive media. For an overview of the session and some jaw-dropping examples, see…

Editors Meeting Notes for Oct. 23, 2019

Attendees (in alphabetical order): Chris, Cory, Courtney, Dani, Justin, and Mona Time: 11:00 am                 Location: OL344 Notetaker: Justin             Timekeeper: Collective effort Notes Pop survey on our website: What’s working on the website? – working well as a reference tool for editors, layout, content What would you like to see on the website? – more contribution…


Editors Meeting Notes for Oct. 9, 2019

Attendees: Chris, Cory, Courtney, Justin, Mona, Dani Date  Time 10/9/2019 11:00 AM Location OL344 Notetaker: Cory Stumpf – Timekeeper: Chris Ward (unofficially) 😉 What is a reasonable expectation for internal review? Course Guide components, assignment titles and marks, etc. Assessments: marks (do they add up?) / grading criteria Headings Consistency (of capitalization, titles, etc.) Check…


Editing Team Meeting 9/25/2019

Editing Team Meeting Date | time 9/25/2019 11:00 AM| Location OL344 Meeting Notes: Attendees: Dani, Mona, Justin, Cory Regrets: Chris; Courtney Note taker: Mona Editor’s website: Log-in; Review current content; Collaborate; Determine common objectives. Free online micro-course to master the basics of OER and Creative Commons: Open Education, Copyright and Open Licensing in a Digital…


Editing Team Meeting 9/11/2019

Call to order: 10:30am In attendance: Courtney Charlton, Naomi Cloutier, Dani Collins (Chair), Justin Frudd, Mona Hall, Paul Martin, Cory Stumpf, Chris Ward (scribe & time keeper) Dani: Welcome and new meeting format Call for note taker and time keeper: Chris Call for review of process changes this summer Chris: brief review of process changes…

Back to the Future

Welcome to co-creators Dani (darwinsfrog), Cory (corythestumpf), and Mona (mohall2015)! So, we moved back to this, our previous, wordpress site. We have ambitious plans to expand the site’s features in the future, but this will be the home of the OL Editors’ site for the next few weeks or months.


Workflow Emails to Production

New process! Don’t include OL_Production on editing workflow emails. This refers to introductory emails (“I’ve begun editing…”) and the final emails (“files are in pre-production folder…”). Keep writing notes for Production on the files, and summarize any concerns in your final email to Curriculum Services. CS will send the notes to Production after sign-off.